Happy Birthday!

Stoffonkel GmbH
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Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! It\'s the Stoffonkel\'s birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Insanity! It's been eight years since a small, crazy idea turned into something really great. We ourselves are often amazed at how "big" the cloth uncle has already become and how our Stoffonkel-family is growing.

This is not self-evident and not possible without many, many loyal comrades-in-arms. Our thanks therefore go to all of our rehearsal sewing team, who constantly enrich us with creative and loving sewing examples and pictures.

We also say thank you to our team behind the scenes. Whether they work right here on the plantation or support us from afar - even in turbulent and chaotic times, your commitment, inventiveness and humor is great! We continue to rock that!

Thanks also to our customers who have been with us for many years and who have become friends over time. We have always strived for an open, fair customer relationship and will try to maintain this. Because only in this way can we move together towards a material future!

Your Stoffonkels
Brigitte and Stephan
