Stoffonkel Color World #everglade

Stoffonkel GmbH
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Stoffonkel Color World #everglade - The Stoffonkel color world everglade

Stoffonkel Color World #everglade

Everglade is an unmistakable shade in the Stoffonkel range. The blue-green tone first hit our shelves with the organic jersey Darling everglade and the selection of fabrics in this wonderful color has grown steadily ever since.

In the meantime, of course, there are basics such as organic ribs and plain dyed jersey in everglade as well as our extraordinary summer knit and the high-quality Bio-Selanik. Many of our designer jerseys can be combined with the unisex shade to create sewing ideas. 

Complement your organic fabric selection with the unmistakable color everglade and ensure enthusiasm among your customers!

Here is a small selection of our organic farbrics in #everglade!
