Susanne Bochem alias Susalabim
Introducing Susanne Bochem

Susanne Bochem alias SUSAlabim

"May brings everything anew".
After successfully completing TWO creative fairs, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our dear designers for their amazing ideas, for constantly creating new designs that are wonderfully received by our customers and enchant every single person.
Who is Susanne Bochem?
Most know her by her artist name: Susalabim :)
Dear Susa, thank you so much for being here.
For those who haven't met her yet, Susa has written a little text to introduce herself:
I'm Susa from SUSAlabim, and my full name is Susanne Bochem.
I live with my almost 18-year-old son, my husband, and our two cats in a suburb of Mainz. We have a 120-year-old house, where there's almost always a construction site somewhere since we moved in over 20 years ago, and there's always something to do in our bee-friendly garden too.
I was born in 1969 and many years ago, after finishing high school, I attended a fashion design school where I learned design, drawing, pattern making, material science, costume history, and such. But then I ended up in graphic design and extensively studied illustration, and for many years I freelanced as an illustrator for school books.
I've been painting and sewing since school days and eventually started combining both by creating small unique fabric figures. I still do that with great joy to this day. In 2008, I started blogging, eventually opened my shop, designed webbing and embroidery files, and designed my first fabrics in 2014.
This completed the circle from fashion to illustration to illustrations FOR fashion. I've been in this field since 2015 and have designed hundreds of fabrics since then. I've never been employed anywhere and I'm in the luxurious position of being able to draw exactly what I feel like and what's important to me.
My great passion is especially for children's designs with a bustling character, where I try to create seamless designs where you can't see a beginning or an end, and where you can sink in and discover new details over and over again... I tell stories on fabric and it brings me immense joy!
Environmental protection, sustainability, and fair and loving cooperation are important to me, which is why I am very happy about the collaboration with Stoffonkel. I think it's becoming increasingly important to sell the highest quality that you can enjoy for years!
With that in mind, I wish you much joy with the SUSAlabim+Stoffonkel designs!
On my Insta account, I share insights into my work and my life!
Elke L., 24.06.24 09:16
Liebe Susa, dein Werdegang liest sich wie ein spannendes Buch! Vielseitig und spannend:) Als vor Jahren Lillestoff erstmalig die Pforten schloss, war ich unfassbar traurig und bedauerte es möglicherweise keine Stöffchen mehr von dir zu vernähen. Also kaufte ich noch schnell und füllte meinen Schrank. Da gibt es immer noch Schätze von dir die gerne gestreichelt werden wollen. Ich freue mich riesig darüber, dass du jetzt bei Stoffonkel gelandet bist! Die Kombination aus Nachhaltigkeit, Fairness und traumhafte Designs sind mir sehr wichtig. Viel Erfolg weiterhin!